Entering the Spring Festivals is the first step for all Junior Awards/Scholarships. The Festivals are conducted by Area Festival Chairmen. Club counselors must obtain application blanks from the Chairmen. Music to be performed is listed in the Junior Festivals Bulletin which may be obtained from National Headquarters.
1646 Smith Valley Road
Greenwood, IN 46142
The Festivals offer the student an immediate objective toward which he or she may work, an opportunity to achieve a rating on the degree of his or her accomplishment. Entrants do not compete against each other. Each is rated on his or her own merit.
$8.00……..All entrants, including each person in ensembles of four or less Exception: Groups of five or more, such as a chorus, pay $10 for the group. There is no fee for a teacher when accompanying a student.
(When possible, it is recommended that someone other than the teacher accompany the student.)
$3.00……..For each Award/Scholarship entered at the Area Festival
$3.00……..Gold Cup Fee per event
$8.00……..Fee for local winners entering State Finals
In addition, a local expense fee is charged by each Area Festival, which is set by the Area Festival Chairman depending on the amount of local expenses. The local Chairman will advise each student the amount of this fee.